To date, the Burn Foundation provides services to patients and families at 3 different burn center locations in 2 states, Georgia and Mississippi.
If you or a loved one are seeking assistance at one of our listed service locations, please contact your treating physician or care team to request a referral. Phone numbers and other contact information for each Burn Center location is provided below.

Georgia Locations

Doctors Hospital | Augusta, GA
The Joseph M. Still Burn Center, located at Doctor’s Hospital, is the nation’s largest burn center with 92 beds dedicated to burn patients. JMS provides industry standard treatment for inpatient and outpatient care to adult and pediatric burn patients.
Burn Foundation patient & family services provided at this site:
Family lodging & meals at the Chavis House
Transportation to follow-up appointments
Outpatient prescriptions
Anti-scarring garments
Other burn-related patient essentials
Services are provided to individuals with a referral from their treating physician or care team.
3651 Wheeler Road, Augusta, GA 30909 | (706) 863-9595
Wellstar Cobb Hospital | Atlanta, GA
In collaboration with the Joseph M. Still Burn Center, Wellstar Cobb Hospital offers inpatient and outpatient care to burn patients in Austell, GA.
Burn Foundation patient & family services provided at this site:
Hotel lodging
Transportation to follow-up appointments
Services are provided to individuals with a referral from their treating physician or care team.
3950 Austell Road SW, Austell, GA 30106 | (470) 732-4000